Σάββατο 1 Μαρτίου 2025 στις 21.00

Queer Bar-ty

(For court fees for 6th December)

This is not just another bar for court fees. It's a QUEER BAR-TY for court fees!

...Queer struggles are not distanced from clashes with cops on the streets, they are coincided and interconnected. For us, "queer" means dynamism. It means different relations, against heteronormativity. Because queer is a struggle against the state. It is hatred of the state. A state that reproduces all kinds of oppression, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, monogamous. A state and a system that if we don't assimilate into its 'cis-heteronormativity', we don't fit anywhere! 'Queer' repression, then, is not one-dimensional. Our struggles are intersectional. Our need to live all free against everything that oppresses us is common.

Queer Kafeneio

πηγή : email που λάβαμε στις 21 Φεβρουαρίου 13h