Κυριακή 24 Οκτωβρίου 2021 στις 18.00

Ανοιχτή συνάντηση καλλιτεχνών

Εάν είσαι καλλιτέχνης (ζωγράφος, designer, γλύπτης, φωτογράφος, digital artist) και ενδιαφέρεσαι για την αυτοοργάνωση της Τέχνης, το Ελεύθερο Θέατρο Εμπρός καλεί σε συνάντηση για την συλλογική διοργάνωση έκθεσης εικαστικών.
Πρώτη ανοιχτή συνάντηση καλλιτεχνών την Κυριακή 24/10 ώρα 18.00 πριν την γενική συνέλευση του Εμπρός στις 20.00

IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST (PAINTER, DESIGNER, SCULPTOR, DIGITAL ARTIST , PHOTOGRAPHER.... ETC) AND YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SELF ORGANIZED ART now you can participate in the organization of an art exhibition in EMBROS THEATER. First open meeting of the artists in Sunday 24/10 at 18.00

If you are an artist (painter, designer, sculptor, photographer, digital artist) and interested in the self-organization of Art, the Free Theater Forward invites a meeting for the collective artist exhibition. First open artists meeting on Sunday 24/10 at 18.00 before the General Assembly of Go on 20.00 IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST (PAINTER, DESIGNER, SCULPTOR, DIGITAL ARTIST , PHOTOGRAPHER.... ETC) AND YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SELF ORGANIZED ART now you can participate in the organization of an art exhibition in EMBROS THEATER. First open meeting of the artists in Sunday 24/10 at 18.00 CONTACT: SUERexTEOMUERTexE@GMAIL.exCOM


πηγή : https://www.facebook.com/embrosgr/