Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2020 στις 19.30

How the state manufactured the refugee crisis and the importance of social solidarity

How the state manufactured the refugee crisis and the importance of social solidarity and action //
Πως το κράτος κατασκεύασε την προσφυγική κρίση και η σημασία της κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης και δράσης

Tuesday 24/11 @19:30pm
Τρίτη 24/11 ώρα 19.30 μμ.

Discussion with:

Francesco Cibat from Linea d'Ombra ODV based on Bosnia and Trieste
Iasonas Apostolopoulos, Coordinator of "Mare Jonio" rescue ship in Central Mediterranean
Parwana Amiri, Refugee rights activist, author and poet
Siavash Shahabi, Human rights activist and freelance journalist
Jan from Dunya Collective
Nazanin Foroghi, Filmstudent, NGO worker and refugee from Afghanistan living on Lesvos island since 1 year.

More info...

Parwana Amiri
Web- http://birdsofimmigrants.jogspace.net/2020/11…
Youth Refugees Movement Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/youthrefugeesmovemen…

Dunya Collective
Twitter- https://twitter.com/DunyaCollective
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/dunyacollective/?hl…

πηγή : https://www.facebook.com/events/7872474454652…