Σάββατο 30 Μαρτίου 2019 στις 14.00
Bad News – Episode 20 March 2019
Bad News - Episode 20 March 2019
Αυτό το μήνα ακούτε το 20 (Μάρτιος 19′) ηχητικό από το B@D NEWS, ένα δελτίο αντιπληροφόρησης στα αγγλικά, από το διεθνές δίκτυο αναρχικών και αντιεξουσιαστικών ραδιοφώνων,που μεταδίδει ειδήσεις και κινηματικούς αγώνες απ'όλο τον κόσμο.
Ακούτε ηχογραφημένα Δευτέρα και Πέμπτη στις 11:00, Σάββατο στις 14:00.
This is episode number 20 of "B(A)D NEWS - Angry voices from around the world", a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.
Topics Radio, Anarchism, daf, uk, dissident island, Greece, Germany, crna luknja, news, interview, housing, gentrification, turkey, women
Language English
Welcome to BAD News, Angry Voices From Around The World for March, 2019. This podcast is a produce of the A-Radio Network, a network of anarchist and anti-authoritarian podcasts, radio shows and radio stations from around Europe, North and South America.
If you are a part of a project that would like to participate in this unique and growing network, please email us at a-ra dio-netw ork@rise up.net, or via any of the participating projects.
This month, we're excited to share with you the following Angry Voices:
- Dissident Island Radio from London, UK, will be sharing a roundup of this last months news of interest to anarchists from around the UK;
- Comrades from the self-organized, independent radio station 105FM of Mytilene, the capital of Lesvos Island will be updating on struggles and actions in the Aegean Sea region of Greece;
- A-Radio Berlin shares an interview Michael Prutz of the initiative Deutsche Wohnen un Co. enteignen, which translates roughtly as "Expropriate housing corporations"and semi-socializing the difficult Berlin housing market;
- Crna Luknja who interviewed self-organized anarchist women in Turkey affiliated with DAF.
(total length: 30min 56sec)